2. What is iOS and its Structure

1. Introduction to Jailbreaking and Tools A. What is iOS ? Reference - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for iPhone, iPod,iPad & Apple TV Provides multi-tasking (allowing a user to perform more than one computer task) It only allows to run Apple signed applications. B. What is Jailbreaking ? Jailbreak gives full access to the device We Can say it is the privilege escalation from a normal user to root. Allows to install Apps which are not authorized Install Application from Cydia which is AppStore for jailbreak Devices. Types of jailbreak Tethered Users need to reconnect to their computer every time the device is restarted Untethered its one-time activity. no need to reconnect. We will see how to jailbreak in an upcoming blog post. D. iOS Archite...